Dear Colleagues:
I write to you with news of a change in the Washington Update as we start the new year. After 7 years, I will be stepping away from writing Washington Update and the talented Dr. Kaitlyn Brennan will be taking over. As you know, Kait has been writing with me over the last year. And now it’s time for her to take the helm, as I find time to finish my book, which of course is about policymaking.
I began Washington Update in March 2015. I realized that so much happened so fast in the DC policy world, that I was having a hard time keeping track. And if that was challenging for me, whose day job involved emersion in the DC policy world, it must really be hard for you, whose day job keeps you in another sphere.
So, the motivating question for each week’s Washington Update, which I envisioned being asked by you, became: “What happened this week in relation to education policy, and what difference does it make for my work?” It is my hope that, over the last 7 years, I have answered the question I envisioned you asking – and that I was asking the right question!
In closing, I want to thank my wonderful brother, Dr. Thomas West, who has so generously and patiently posted every one of my blogs on my website since 2016. I am so appreciative that they are cataloged. They can be found here, should you ever find the need to revisit them.
Thank you for the many years of blog reading and collegiality! Wishing you a fabulous 2022. Don’t be a stranger!
All the best, Jane